Great spotted woodpecker(Dendrocoptes major) photographed from a Wildwatching Spain hide in Aran Valley(Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain)
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ENG: Great spotted woodpecker(Dendrocoptes major) photographed from a Wildwatching Spain hide in Aran Valley(Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain)
ESP: Pico picapinos fotografiado desde un hide de Wildwatching Spain en el Valle de Arán (Pirineos, Cataluña, España)
FR: Pic épeiche photographiée à partir d'une cachette de Wildwatching Spain à la vallée d'Aran (Pyrénées, Catalogne, Espagne)
CAT: Picot garser gros fotografiat en un aguait de Wildwatching Spain a la Val d'Aran (Catalunya, Pirineus)
- Filename
- Great spotted woodpecker(Dendrocoptes major) photographed from a Wildwatching Spain hide in Aran Valley(Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain)_049.jpg
- Copyright
- Sergi Boixader
- Image Size
- 6016x4016 / 20.3MB
Afora Afuera Albero Animal Animales Animali Animals Animaux Aran Valley Arbre Aves Baish Aran Baix Aran Bajo Aran Baum Bird Birds Bois Bosc Bosque Catalan Pyrenees Catalogne Catalonia Catalunya Cataluña Dendrocopos major Details Detall Detalle Detalls Détail Espagne Espanya España Europa Europe Exterior Exteriors Fauna Faune Flora Flore Forest Foresta Forêt Great spotted woodpecker Landscape Landschaftsmalerei Lleida Lleida Province Matin Matí Mañana Morgen Morning Natur Natura Naturaleza Nature Ocells Oiseaux Outdoor Outdoors Outside Paisaje Paisatge Paysage Pic épeiche Pico Pico picapinos Picot Picot garser Picot garser gran (Dendrocopos major) Picot garser gros Pirenei Pirineos Pirineos catalanes Pirineus Pirineus catalans Pollame Provincia de Lérida Província de Lleida Pyrenees Pyrenäen Pyrénées Pyrénées catalanes Scenery Scenic Spain Spanish Pyrenees Tiere Tierwelt Tourism Tourisme Travel Tree Tronc Tronco Trunk Turisme Turismo Val d'Aran Vall d'Aran Valle de Arán Vallée d'Aran Viajar Viatjar Voyage Voyager Vögel Wald Wildlife detail dettaglio landscape – scenery mattina province de Lleida vegetació vegetación Árbol
- Contained in galleries
- Birds of the mountain forests (Pyrenees)